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Les Talk about something. Do you ever find yourself not being able to relate to girls who are attracted to guys? Well, in this video you are definitely going to relate! WATCH NEXT Only lesbians would understand: https://youtu.be/W6Dy6XWN4cY Online Store: https://xanthevandergulik179.groovekart.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/xanthevandergulik Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xanthe_vandergulik/ Website: https://xanthevandergulik.com/ Hello you Beautiful Human! I hope this video you helped you out! Need some more help? see below where I have listed videos that will help guide you! VIDEOS FOR LESBIANS: Not relating to girls liking boys: https://youtu.be/zTU0osLj0RQ Things that only happen in lesbian relationships: https://youtu.be/_3LN2t375Dk Things only lesbians would understand: https://youtu.be/W6Dy6XWN4cY questions you're too afraid to ask: https://youtu.be/9KmFhOH9ZKY HELPFUL FOR PEOPLE UNSURE ABOUT THEIR SEXUALITY: How I knew I was a lesbian, not bisexual FAQs: https://youtu.be/WdBwS5MNWrA How I knew I was lesbian skit: https://youtu.be/m5gmb6DQ6lE How I knew I was a lesbian: https://youtu.be/L0a24ob4K-0 My brain when figuring out i'm lesbian, not bi: https://youtu.be/teeYyAiH2B0 How did I know I was gay?:https://youtu.be/FrH7jGbFNnk How I came out: https://youtu.be/AGdQxjgWOHI What is comphet?: https://youtu.be/ZcCT89Z2AF4 how i knew i was lesbian, not bisexual: https://youtu.be/n-qmicci7v0 5 signs you might be a lesbian: https://youtu.be/ocpSMsucwnk how to know if you're lesbian, not bisexual: https://youtu.be/dlEmVqx5bKw what is internalized homophobia?: https://youtu.be/2LDopkvuiXA LGBTQ+ INTERVIEWS: Trans: https://youtu.be/Ev8BvjqkAlA lesbian: https://youtu.be/3tWQpzcZrcY Melissa Pateras: https://youtu.be/9UBWIXr0Vxc gay: https://youtu.be/tqcFqWdVd08 non-binary: https://youtu.be/7q-CPKrHSfc bisexual: https://youtu.be/X5LZNs6pBlI bisexual: https://youtu.be/dBIQIH3SiTQ straight: https://youtu.be/EVkG-FFT4o0 drag queen: https://youtu.be/zv2YXcevs8A queer: https://youtu.be/6JzF9kjgyPc sexual fluidity: https://youtu.be/Eclg4iS0vYA COMING OUT: 15 ways to come out in different situations: https://youtu.be/ZcCT89Z2AF4 what it's like to be out of the closet: https://youtu.be/ZndKM4Gd4Rk 10 fun ways to come out: https://youtu.be/kJdb6-a2wwQ 11 subtle ways to come out: https://youtu.be/DH_JrJhx77U #SHORTS: Are you a lesbian?: https://youtu.be/fkbyM1Fy9cc How I knew I was a lesbian: https://youtu.be/l4T6xY3wEps GIRLFRIEND: How we met: https://youtu.be/ikt6Co71fhY Whisper Challenge: https://youtu.be/TpbGi-N4IFU Girlfriend Tag: https://youtu.be/XHMZF2j7dMI The symptoms of being lesbian skit: https://youtu.be/Sd9fHtb7RwA LGBTQIA2+: What does intersex mean?: https://youtu.be/jJSTO9Uo7FY What does queer mean?: https://youtu.be/ceTV4ol9ffo What does trans mean?: https://youtu.be/TV-0h-ynmQE what does bisexual mean?: https://youtu.be/6bBRWFp2rkw what does gay mean?: https://youtu.be/hkgIULkLwhU What does lesbian mean?: https://youtu.be/w9DdgCSPv5I ADVICE: Relationship advice during covid-19: https://youtu.be/m5gmb6DQ6lE How to tell your crush you like her: https://youtu.be/1zFvuveuBTI 6 signs she likes you like that: https://youtu.be/Aa9crccnwHU how to knw if a girl has a crush on you!: https://youtu.be/ocpSMsucwnk is your sexuality valid if you haven't has any experience?: https://youtu.be/PJfUtZSBsVc SKITS: What valentines looks like this year 2021: https://youtu.be/1zFvuveuBTI being in the locker room as a young lesbian: https://youtu.be/O-CAu6BMeBA the gay agenda: https://youtu.be/-0KGKNJ1wPY visiting my closeted self: https://youtu.be/lI2TxkNqCW8 subscribe for more lgbtq+ videos every thursday and saturday! like this video to show your support and to help me know what videos you want to see next! share this video if you think it will help someone else! Have a wonderful day you beautiful human! #xanthevandergulik #lesbian #relatable
Being a Young Lesbian and Not Relating to Girls Liking Boys - Les Talk || Xanthe van der GulikBeing a Young Lesbian and Not Relating to Girls Liking Boys - Les Talk || Xanthe van der GulikBeing a Young Lesbian and Not Relating to Girls Liking Boys - Les Talk || Xanthe van der GulikBeing a Young Lesbian and Not Relating to Girls Liking Boys - Les Talk || Xanthe van der Gulik
Being a Young Lesbian and Not Relating to Girls Liking Boys - Les Talk || Xanthe van der Gulik